Common Winter Heating Problems and How to Avoid Them

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Winter is the time when you want to cozy up at home, and not deal with heating problems. But sometimes, our heaters don’t get the memo! As temperatures drop, heating issues can make your home uncomfortable, or worse, unsafe. Let’s take a look at some common winter heating problems and how to keep them at bay, ensuring your home stays warm and cozy throughout the season.

1. Heat Cycling

Is your heater turning on and off more than usual? That’s called heat cycling, and it’s a sign that something’s off. Heat cycling can drain your system’s efficiency and lead to higher energy bills. Dirty air filters or malfunctioning thermostats are often to blame. The good news? Changing the air filter regularly and checking your thermostat’s settings can prevent this issue. If the problem stays the same, it might be time to call in a professional to take a closer look.

2. Carbon Monoxide Leaks

Older gas furnaces can be prone to carbon monoxide leaks, a dangerous and invisible hazard. Carbon monoxide is an odorless, colorless gas that can be deadly if undetected. That’s why it’s essential to install carbon monoxide detectors near your furnace. If your detector sounds an alarm, evacuate immediately and call a professional technician to inspect and fix the leak. 

3. Uneven Heating

Do you notice that some rooms feel like the Arctic while others are warm and toasty? Uneven heating can be caused by dirty air ducts, blocked vents, or even poor insulation. Before you call for help, make sure your vents aren’t blocked by furniture or dust, and check your home’s insulation. If you have done all that and still have cold spots, it’s time to reach out to an HVAC expert. They can diagnose the issue and get your home’s heat distribution back on track.

4. Lack of Heat

Nothing’s worse than a heater that doesn’t heat especially when it’s freezing outside! This issue can stem from several problems, including pilot light troubles, broken gas valves, or even a faulty thermostat. If you have already replaced the thermostat batteries and your heater still won’t kick on, it’s best to call in a professional. They will inspect your system, identify the problem, and get it fixed quickly, so you are not left in the cold.

Need help with a heating issue or want to schedule a tune-up? Call Bell Brothers today! Our friendly technicians are here to ensure your heating system runs smoothly, so you can enjoy a warm and stress-free winter.

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